When I first started crafting and creating back when I was in elementary school, I was really into making friendship bracelets from floss. I would sell them to friends for 25 cents a color. Watching my aunt in Greece embroider tablecloths with floss got me wanting to make my OWN tablecloths. So my mom bought me a kit with a design that had X's on them that I just had to embroider over. I don't even remember what the design was, but i was so proud of that tablecloth, I'm sure I still have it in my closet in Seattle. I had this box with a hundred or so colors of floss. I still have it, but I've filled it now with more beads than anything else. Which brings me to finding these images on Pinterest the other day that inspired me to start embroidering again. I would love to incorporate embroidery on my little girl dresses. I love embroidery on clothes. That attention to detail is what really makes a garment pop! Here is a little eye candy for you.

Yes, this is what my box looked like. I took it everywhere. Vacations, relative's houses, you name it.
Wow. So many different variations of embroidery. Click
here for more details.
Sorry, but no link on this one, don't you hate it when that happens to you on Pinterest?!
This skirt
<no link>
An idea for a hoop art design
<<via>> Etsy
Who knew they sold such cute clothes at Toys "R" Us? (this dress is sold out)
From a cute
online shop that sells children clothes.
Couldn't find a link for this one. I love the bright colors.
Clicking this image brought me to
THIS site, but I'm not sure where on the blog it
mentions this calendar, I will have to go back and search.
So there you have it! A little take on embroidery. Are YOU inspired?